Privacy Policy



Foran Connection is an online social platform providing its users the ability to connect easily and instantly. "Foran Connection", "Foran Connection Ltd" is hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us" in this privacy policy document. Whereas, user of Foran Connection app - including both service consumers (clients) as well as the service providers (vendors) - is hereinafter referred to as "clients", "vendors", "you", "your". At Foran Connection, we take protection and fair usage of our user's personal and private data very seriously. For the use of this app, there are certain pieces of personal information that we collect from you to provide services to both clients and vendors.
We will always maintain full transparency on how this data is used as so described in this privacy policy.

What Information we collect

From the client's side we collect the following pieces of information:

From the vendor's side, we collect the following pieces of information:

How do we use the information collected

Most of the personal information we collect from you is only displayed to you when you access your profile. We do show the following information to other users as explained below: Service Consumers:

Service Providers: Your email and/or phone number is also used to send out essential notifications such as account registration, job creation, updates on jobs, etc. Foran Connection makes best effort to only send these notifications when absolutely necessary and to make your user experience with our app as best as possible.

How do we store data and what is the retention period?

Your information is stored on our remote database in the cloud. The information is stored on encrypted storage with access restricted only to Foran Connection team members who are responsible for managing our production database. Foran Connection employees are bound by legal contract to not share any client's personal information outside of the normal processes of the business. Currently we do not delete data from our database. However, you may request us to to delete your data in the event you uninstall the app and no longer wish to use it.

Third Party apps

No personal information is shared with any third party app or service provider


No cookies are used to store and/or read your personal information

Children under the age of 18 years

Foran Connection application is a free and open social platform, and it is not intended to be used by users under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, please consult an adult or do not use our app.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy as necessary in the future, and to reflect legal changes. We will provide you an appropriate prominent message at least 30 days before making any new changes effective.

Contact Us

For any questions or clarification around our privacy policy and our use of your personal data, you can send all queries to
